- List of MNMP Programs
Acting with Masks
Band & Orchestra
Beyond Mariachi
Brazilian Percussion
Bucket Brigade
Creating Legends
Creative Movement
Dance to Hip-Hop
Dramatizing History
Hello Broadway!
Improv Theater Jam
Just Painting
Moviemaking Basics
Music & Computers
Music Cre8tor
Musical Storytelling
Paintings that Sing
PD:Improv Theatre
Poetry Slam
Poets & Dancers
Rhythms of Math
Say It in Song
The Art of Silence
Visual Music
World Dance
Hip-Hop Habit
Arts in Education
Just Painting

There are many kinds of paintbrushes, many kinds of paints, and many kinds of surfaces to paint on, not to mention numerous methods of application: strokes, spatters, drips, palette knives, hands. Exploration is the keyword in this residency, students enjoy “just painting” through instruction and practice in myriad areas. The residency will culminate with each student creating a project using his or her choice of favorite brush, paint, surface and technique.
Recommended for grades 4-9