- List of MNMP Programs
- Acting with Masks
- Band & Orchestra
- Beyond Mariachi
- Brazilian Percussion
- Bucket Brigade
- Creating Legends
- Creative Movement
- Dance to Hip-Hop
- Dramatizing History
- Hello Broadway!
- Improv Theater Jam
- Just Painting
- Moviemaking Basics
- Music & Computers
- Music Cre8tor
- Musical Storytelling
- Paintings that Sing
- PD:Improv Theatre
- PD:Percussion
- Poetry Slam
- Poets & Dancers
- Rhythms of Math
- Say It in Song
- Soundtracks
- The Art of Silence
- Visual Music
- World Dance
- Playwriting
- Hip-Hop Habit

Arts in Education
Dramatizing History
History jumps off the pages of a textbook and into your classroom during this interactive study. Using the historical period that students are already studying as part of their social studies curriculum, students explore a time period or a significant event by creating a piece of collaborative theatre. Through research and examining artistic depiction of the time period/event (such as paintings and photographs), students will craft a story, develop characters and write their own script that connects them to history in a dynamic way. Writing and performing original monologues and scenes will actively engage students in learning. The workshop will end with a final production containing historical reenactments and dramatization of original dialogue written by students.
Recommended for grades 3-12