- List of MNMP Programs
Acting with Masks
Band & Orchestra
Beyond Mariachi
Brazilian Percussion
Bucket Brigade
Creating Legends
Creative Movement
Dance to Hip-Hop
Dramatizing History
Hello Broadway!
Improv Theater Jam
Just Painting
Moviemaking Basics
Music & Computers
Music Cre8tor
Musical Storytelling
Paintings that Sing
PD:Improv Theatre
Poetry Slam
Poets & Dancers
Rhythms of Math
Say It in Song
The Art of Silence
Visual Music
World Dance
Hip-Hop Habit
Arts in Education
Creative Movement

Creative Movement classes focus on Montessori’s theory of the connections between physical patterning and mental development in children. Children are led through a series of imaginative movement games, and as they gain confidence and skill, they will expand their creative horizons and learn healthy movement habits. Classes combine dance, song, rhythmic games, creative movement and musical accompaniment.
Recommended for grades Pre-K to 3