- List of MNMP Programs
- Acting with Masks
- Band & Orchestra
- Beyond Mariachi
- Brazilian Percussion
- Bucket Brigade
- Creating Legends
- Creative Movement
- Dance to Hip-Hop
- Dramatizing History
- Hello Broadway!
- Improv Theater Jam
- Just Painting
- Moviemaking Basics
- Music & Computers
- Music Cre8tor
- Musical Storytelling
- Paintings that Sing
- PD:Improv Theatre
- PD:Percussion
- Poetry Slam
- Poets & Dancers
- Rhythms of Math
- Say It in Song
- Soundtracks
- The Art of Silence
- Visual Music
- World Dance
- Playwriting
- Hip-Hop Habit

Arts in Education
Brazilian Percussion: A Music Journey through Brazil
Students take a voyage through some of the most vibrant musical centers of Brazil, including Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, and Pernambuco. Focusing on indigenous rhythm and song, students explore the culture of each region and gain hands-on experience with the instruments of Brazil.
Recommended for grades K-8.