- MNMP Teaching Artists
Alejandra Duque
Andrew Drury
Anne Pasquale
Annie Levy
Claire Tunkel
Daniel Heffernan
Danny Ashkenasi
Elizbeth Hanson
Erica Rooney
Erin Ronder
Greg Paul
Jean Brookman
Jennifer Houseal
Jennifer Raine
Joan Merwyn
John Bellia
Judith Lane
Julian Rozzell Jr.
Kevin Ray
Kyla McHale
LeeAnet Noble
Liliana Araújo
Lisa Dove
Lynn Marlowe
Markeisha Ensley
Martin Urbach
Matt Bogdanow
Melissa House
Nancy Volante
Niizeki Hiromi
Noemy Hernandez
Oneza Lafontant
Pat Russell
Peter Hoyle
Shellie Bransford
Sherry Teitelbaum
Susan Natacha Gonzalez
Vincent Ector
Teaching Artists
Peter Hoyle
Peter Hoyle is currently employed as Director of Education for the New Jersey Opera Theater, as a teaching artist for the Dreamyard Drama Project, as Senior Teaching artist at the Metropolitan Opera Guild (MOG) Education Department. He has extensive experience creating and leading professional development for teachers throughout the U.S. with the MOG Creating Original Opera Teacher Training Program, The Whole Schools Initiative in Mississippi, the Bronx Region 1 Drama Teachers Professional Development, and the M.O.G. Professional Development Institute. Hoyle’s collaborations with teachers have inspired student work in the areas of visual art, musical composition, music theater, poetry, character education, set design and construction, and film-making using arts skills in the service of curricular exploration. He has taught both music and visual art at institutions including the Holderness School, the Boston Museum School, the Middlesex School system in Massachusetts, and in over 30 public schools in the New York metropolitan area.