- MNMP Teaching Artists
Alejandra Duque
Andrew Drury
Anne Pasquale
Annie Levy
Claire Tunkel
Daniel Heffernan
Danny Ashkenasi
Elizbeth Hanson
Erica Rooney
Erin Ronder
Greg Paul
Jean Brookman
Jennifer Houseal
Jennifer Raine
Joan Merwyn
John Bellia
Judith Lane
Julian Rozzell Jr.
Kevin Ray
Kyla McHale
LeeAnet Noble
Liliana Araújo
Lisa Dove
Lynn Marlowe
Markeisha Ensley
Martin Urbach
Matt Bogdanow
Melissa House
Nancy Volante
Niizeki Hiromi
Noemy Hernandez
Oneza Lafontant
Pat Russell
Peter Hoyle
Shellie Bransford
Sherry Teitelbaum
Susan Natacha Gonzalez
Vincent Ector
Teaching Artists
Noemy Hernandez
Noemy Hernandez was appointed Artistic Director of Calpulli Mexican Dance Company after forming part of the artistic staff for three years as a choreographer and rehearsal director. She holds a B.F.A. in Dance from the University of California, Irvine where she studied under Donald McKayle and taught dance in public schools as an ArtsBridge Scholar. As a choreographer, Ms. Hernandez created works for Latin jazz artist Arturo O’Farril and the Brooklyn Philharmonic. She plans to develop Calpulli as a premiere dance company with a focus on Mexican traditions and Mexican-American cultural expression. She enjoys sharing her knowledge of modern, jazz, ballet, and folkloric dance to enrich the lives of children in NYC and beyond.